Groeten van Prathamesh Dake

Prathamesh Dake nam afgelopen zomer 22 wickets in onze cricketende hoofdmacht. Inmiddels zit hij alweer lang en breed in Mumbai. Toch denkt hij zo af en toe nog wel eens aan ons, getuige onderstaande.

‘Hello friends! Quick is an absolutely nice setup of cricket, where you learn as well as grow. Supportive people yet understanding. Helpful and loving. I personally learnt a lot here. Dont be just a cricketer, be a Quicketer!

Experience is not about how many games you play, it's about how 'QUICK' you learn. And QUICK is the place to be! My warm regards to all the Quickers, your support has been commendable. I wish good luck to the team and for the future!

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